How walking can help you in maintaining body fitness?

How walking can help you in maintaining body fitness?

As we all know many are sitting in-front of computers to do many of our jobs all the day without giving any time to perform physical exercises or workouts. This intern will leads the physical body to accumulate fat. So, Walking is one of the best ways to maintain our Health & Fitness. This is the most cost-effective way of keeping ourself fit! You can do walking anytime, anywhere & in any season without risking injury or stressing out. 

Walking is an advice to all age groups because it is a painless way to burn calories. This is the only exercise which anyone can do at any time of the day & anyplace without spending money to keep ourself fit. Walking helps metabolically to control weight, blood sugar and keeps the cholesterol in limits. Anyone who does walking regularly can expect to burn 100 calories/mile or 300 calories/hour. 

Walking is the only exercise which you can do without any warmup or cool down. This itself is a warmup and cool down and less stress on body parts like knees, ankles etc. For any cardiovascular disease people like heart patient, diabetic patients, thyroid patients, walking is the best exercise. But it is always suggested to take the advice of the doctor before starting walking exercise if you are suffering any of the above issues. Doctors will advice on how much and at what intensity you have to walk and how much time you have to walk. Because there are different phases of walking. Make sure to check with the doctor before deciding. 

We always consider Walking as the first phase in increasing cardiovascular capacity. The phases or levels are ..  Walking, Jogging, Running, Sprinting. 

If you have a goal to lose weight, you have to change the pattern of walking. 

Here is how you can change regular walking into fitness walking...
  1. Keep your head straight.. ensure you look forward and not towards the ground
  2. Relax your neck, shoulders 
  3. Keep your elbows free and Swung your arms slightly to burn additional calories.
  4. Keep your back straight and not bend forward or backward
  5. Keep your stomach muscles little tight
  6. Roll your foot from heel to toe and walk smoothly

Plan your Walking
Consider remembering a few points before you start walking
  1. Choose right shoes with proper cushion to support your heels and feet which can absorb shocks. Wear appropriate costumes as per your comfort based on climate or weather. 
  2. Know your route. Check the sidewalks, potholes etc to avoid accidents while walking during low light times. 
  3. Initially, plan to walk slowly to warm up the muscles and prepare your body for walking. 
  4. Again while wrapping up, slow down your walking speed to cool down the muscles
  5. Gently stretch all your muscles after cooling down then halt the body. 

At Zen Sports & Fitness, we strongly recommend walking as the best exercise which suites everyone to maintain basic fitness in the body. 

Remember! There is no short cut to lose weight or get fitness! The only way is to eat balanced at right time and perform the exercise in the right way at right time.

Disclaimer: This is the best way to start with. For advanced exercises/training, contact us for expert coaching

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