How fasting helps Weight Loss?

How fasting helps Weight Loss?

Before we talk about fasting, we all should understand little about our body and how it runs throughout the day.

Our body is run through the Energy System throughout the day .. during day and night.

When we are sleeping, all our organs - heart, kidneys, lungs etc will be still functioning. In order to function these organs properly, the organs need minimum energy. The energy comes from what we eat .. i.e., from food. When we are sleeping, our whole body performs many internal activities on itself. Maybe the energy consumption will be low during sleep. But still, we need energy to work on the organs properly. And when you wake up, the energy consumption will increase due to additional activities.

Cells in our body will be under the process of regeneration all the time - 24X7,365 days. Old cells die and new cells are formed, old tissues will die and new tissues are formed. The creation of new cells and tissues will be in the process throughout the day .. 24hours.

When we are conscious, more than 20% of the energy we receive from food is consumed by the brain. So, when you wake up, suddenly the burning cycle will become more faster and energy required will be more. For a sufficient supply of energy, we need to consume glucose and proteins foods.

So when we go for fasting, our body will not allow us to die. Instead of that it breaks down the muscle tissues and creates fuel to generate energy in the body. Because of this, we will be losing hard earned muscle tissues. When you fast, please keep this in mind. It is suggested to plan for the fasting on an easy day.

Long ago, our ancestors used to follow fasting in a traditional way. There are many types of fasting. But, fasting for Weight Loss is not right actually and is not suggested at all! It is not suggested because fasting has a lot of negative effects on our body. Maybe you get headache, low sugar etc and heavy fasting may lead to anemia and imbalance in hormones etc. Fasting is not suggested for weight loss in a starving way. There are many other healthy ways for weight loss by eating balanced and performing basic fitness exercises.

Whenever we exercise, the weaker tissues will die. Followed by exercise, when you eat properly and rest, those lost tissues will be repaired by the body. The weak tissues are replaced by healthier tissues. This process of cell regeneration goes on 24X7, 365days. In this time of regeneration, if we don't feed proper food, we lose the hard earned muscles just for not eating properly. Hence, we should make sure to consume lots of liquids and water at least when we are fasting.

No scientific studies have proven till now that fasting will help you to detoxify our body. In most of the cases, we fast for detoxifying our body. But fasting can help only to give a break to our digestive system.

If we think by fasting you will help in losing weight, we are wrong! Because when we fast, generally our metabolic rate will slow down. This eventually put on more fat and makes more difficult for us to lose weight. We may only lose some water in our body and temporarily we feel as if we have lost 1kg-2kg of weight. But in a week time, the weight will be regained by the body with more fat. This additional fat is accumulated in the body again. It will be difficult to burn the fat gained.

All apart from this, fasting will leads to loss of minerals & multivitamins in our body. It will be very difficult to regain them. We may notice the low energy levels in the body because of this a day after fasting. This affects our exercise plan and the formation of healthier tissues.

At #ZenSportsAndFitness center, Our master fitness trainer #DrMGPrasad suggest consuming little low glycemic food at least half an hour before performing any activity/exercise etc. The food consumed will give us energy for one or one and half hour. Never exercise in empty stomach.

Remember! There is no short cut to lose weight or get fitness! The only way is to eat balanced at right time and perform the exercise in the right way at right time.

Disclaimer: This is the best way to start with. For advanced exercises/training, contact us for expert coaching

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