4 Indoor Exercises to Burn Fat and Weight Loss

Four most efficient Indoor exercises to
lose weight and to burn fat...

1. Burpee

Burpee .. a very efficient multi-joint exercise. Performing this exercise enhances lung capacity, improves oxygen intake capacity. More than that it improves hip, knee, shoulder mobility. And also it is a very good strengthening exercise. This exercise will result in improving explosiveness and strength endurance.

2. Bicycle Crunch

Bicycle Crunch .. this is a main exercise for the core. But still, it works as a cardio exercise. Bicycle crunch exercise will result in improving core strength.

3. Step-up on a Step Board and Side Leg Raise

This is also a multi-joint exercise. We can use it as cardio and more as mobility exercise. Step-ups and Side leg raise will result in improving the dynamic flexibility and balance.

4. Standing Jumping Jogs

This is also to improve lung efficiency and to make heartbeat rate faster. That burns fat. This improves endurance.

All these exercises, you should do each exercise for at least for 1min with a break of 30sec in between... Ex: 1min exercise .. 30sec break .. 1min exercise .. 30sec break .. and go on to complete all the four exercise for once.

After completing all the exercise once, take a break for 2min to complete one cycle. Repeat the same cycle at least 5 times. It is suggested to resume the cycle before the breathlessness stops.

Doing the above cycle of exercises, anyone can .. increase the lung capacity, burn a maximum amount of fat.

After 10 days of regular practice, this exercise will become easy to perform. At this stage, you can use 1kg ankle weight to make the exercise more effective.

Combination of these four exercises gives you the best explosiveness, core strength, dynamic flexibility and endurance. Performing all the exercises is regularly and properly, a lot of changes can be seen in a month.

At Zen Sports & Fitness, we provide training to burn fat and lose weight under the guidance of Master Fitness Trainer Dr.M.G.Prasad

Important Note :

  1. It is suggested to perform few cardio exercises and some active stretches before starting the actual exercises. 
  2. Make sure to do the exercise on a soft surface.
  3. Wear good running shoes.
  4. Use a 12" Step up board.
  5. After completing 5 cycles, it is suggested to perform 3-4min of easy jogging and at least 5 minutes of few passive stretches. Doing passive stretches will reduce the soreness for tomorrows exercise. 
  6. Contact certified fitness trainer to avoid mistakes. Performing any exercise in a wrong way can lead to physical injury.

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